If you’re going to call yourself a hero,
you must first have values to uphold, and goals to be achieved.
You must be able to take the responsibility when making decisions,
and know what it means to be a “team” when working for a common goal.
You must find competent teammates that embrace your goals and strategies,
to add strength to your own.
You must make the best of this strength at all times,
so that all heroes may live up to their potential.
You must support other heroes by constant training,
so they can always be ready for the next mission.
You must know how to lead.
And your mind must always be set on being efficient, transparent, open, and inclusive.
So you can treat everyone equally.
In short, becoming a hero is not what really matters.
What matters is to become a team.
Sense of Justice and Integrity
• We give the same opportunity to all employees, and act with fairness.
• We build all stakeholder relations on the pillars of integrity, fairness, and trust.
• We remain true, clear and consistent in word and action.
• We inspire everyone to speak their mind.
• We work in open communication.
• We share our knowledge and experience.
• We sustain a culture of feedback.
• We share our ideas with a culture of inquiry.
• We ensure high work motivation.
• We promote and reward success.
• We support one another.
• We form part of a strong and learning organization.
• We prevent the occurrence of situations we consider risky.
• We act by the codes of ethics and our principles.
• We carry out our mission with a holistic responsibility.
• We strive to predict the outcome of our words and actions, and we take responsibility for these.
Continuous Development
• We inquire and seek knowledge in the light of science.
• We follow the winds of change, and become part of it.
• We support our teammates in realizing their potential and creating value.
• We constantly renew ourselves to prepare for the future.
• We form a global team, which strives towards the same goal.
• We share our ideas, technologies and skills, and reach our objectives as a team.
• We trust each other as a team and as individuals, and share responsibility.
• We do not back away from challenges, and we learn from each other.
Respect for People and Environment
• We care about one another.
• We treat differences with respect.
• We work with respect towards the nature and environment, taking full account of our responsibilities.
• We build our relations and communications on the basis of trust.