Thermal Insulation Benefits

Energy Efficiency And Energy Saving

Thanks to thermal insulation applied on your building, you can use the required energy more efficiently and effectively without restricting the comfort of your life. Therefore, you minimize the wasted energy, and use energy resources more efficiently.

Thermal insulation applications that provide energy efficiency can be considered an additional cost in terms of initial investments of projects. However, significant economic achievements are derived when the rate of return is calculated.

When applied correctly, thermal insulation reduces the energy expenses of your building by 50% on average, ensures more heating with less energy consumption in winter, and prevents excessive heat in your living spaces in summer.

Energy Efficiency With Thermal Insulation

Meeting a significant portion of the world’s energy requirement and having limited resources, fossil fuels such as petroleum and natural gas are rapidly consumed away today. In the world where the resources are gradually diminishing although the energy requirement is continuously increasing, a wide range of programs are applied to ensure efficient use of energy. Thermal insulation comes to the forefront as one of the most successful tools for energy saving.

In our country that experiences all four seasons thanks to its geographical location, energy consumption for heating in winter and cooling in summer has been increasing day by day. While 70% of the required energy is imported, 30-40% of this energy is consumed in buildings. Several policies on energy efficiency have been developed in our country for the purpose of ensuring energy saving and efficiency, providing security of supply, reducing risks of foreign dependence, protecting the environment and supporting the struggle against climate change.

Together with “Regulation on Energy Performance in Buildings” that was entered into force for energy efficiency in buildings, the obligation of obtaining “Building Energy Performance Certificate” was imposed for existing and new buildings on 1 January 2011.

50% of heat loss in buildings occurs in exterior walls, 20% in roofs, 20% in windows and doors, and 10% in basement and foundation walls. The energy saving achieved by the thermal insulation in your building reduces your heat and electricity expenses by 50%, and ensures more efficient use of energy and natural resources.

Stronger And Longer-Lasting Buildings

Thermal insulation reduces heat movements and vapor condensation. Therefore, it prevents humidity, mold, freezing, deformation that may occur in the building and weakening of iron parts due to corrosion; and helps preservation of the building. Your building has an extended life and increased durability thanks to thermal insulation, which also contributes to earthquake safety.

Positive Effect On Human Health

Homogeneous heat distribution between interior areas with correct application of thermal insulation enhances the comfort in your living spaces.

Moreover, thermal insulation outside the building contributes positively to human health by preventing factors such as humidity, mold, fungus, moisture, dust, noise and air pollution that may have negative effects on human health.

Environment And Ecological Balance

Thermal insulation applications are systems that comply with Turkish and European standards, and help protection of the ecological balance. Minimum energy is used for heating, cooling and climatization of thermal-insulated buildings; reducing the consumption of fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. In consequence, emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other harmful greenhouse gases spreading into the atmosphere is minimized, and the negative effect on the ecological balance is reduced.

When you apply thermal insulation in your building in accordance with standards and use the correctly selected fuel type with an appropriate technique, you utilize the whole energy consumption for heating or cooling purposes. Therefore, you can minimize the effect of the fuel on environmental pollution without wasting energy.

Thermal Insulation Against Global Warming

“Greenhouse effect” is a natural process, by which the earth is heated more than expected due to the fact that the gases in the atmosphere transmit incident solar rays but much less of the long wave terrestrial radiation emitted backwards. “Global warming” is caused by the increase of temperature on the earth’s surface in consequence of the greenhouse effect created by gases that are emitted into the atmosphere by humans.

Global warming and global climate change occurring parallelly is the leading problem that the earth has been encountering in recent years, and threatens all living creatures on earth. The most distinctive outcomes of climate change can be summarized as gradual warming of the earth, melting of glaciers, increase in levels, change of precipitation patterns, observation of significant increases in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, and changes that the ecological structure undergoes depending on all these reasons.

Correct thermal insulation is one of the most important measures taken to prevent global warming and climate change.

Helping Sound Insulation

Thermal insulation reduces noise as well as weather effects from outside; therefore, it helps prevention of harmful effects of noise on humans. Moreover, thermal insulation applications in building gaps such as elevators, stairs and installations prevent occurrence of sound escape funnel.

Contribution To National And Family Economy

Your maintenance and repair expenses are reduced with thermal insulation, which protects your building from external factors. It reduces fossil fuel import and foreign dependence of our country as it ensures optimum use of energy resources. Moreover, it also contributes to the economy by reducing building energy and family health expenses.